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Office Asst Superintendent
Bureau RF and A Lands
Fredericksburg Va
April 30th 1866

Maj T Frank P Crandon
Supt 4th Dist RF & AL Va

In compliance with circular No 6- dated Richmond Va January 29th 1866- I have the honor to report through your Office to the Head Quarters of the Asst Commissioner- that Bureau affairs in this Sub Dist are unchanged since my last report-that matters are working smoothly-and in the main-satisfactorily to myself-and to the credit of the Bureau.

No cases have been tried before the Civil Authorities since receiving Circular No 10-I am informed however by the County Clerk that there are two-who will have a preliminary Examination at the May term of Court.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm R Morse Capt V.R.C & Brvt Maj
USA Asst Supt RF & AL