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State of Bureau affairs in Sub-District of Goochland Co. As called for by Cir. No 6. 

So far as known all instructions received here either by Circular or otherwise have been carried out & are now in process.

The Freedmen of this Sub-District are generally all employed, and yet there is some demand for laborers.

The freedmen have conducted themselves very well towards the whites; the only complaints made to me against them is that they will not contract for a long term, and that when contracts have been made with them they violate them. I simply this to say on this point that but one contract made with the approval of the Bureau has been violated, and in this it is yet questionable if there was not sufficient cause.

The feeling of the Whites towards freedmen is kindness for the most part. Still there is a prejudice which takes away much from this feeling, and denies many privileges. Pandora's Box has indeed been opened by publishing an order to the freedmen of this district to come to this office to have their Marriage           

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 11:28:19 I think this writer's handwriting holds the key to the text being transcribed as "Nothing" on so many pages in this set of documents. What could the word be other than "Nothing"?