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Report showing condition of Bureau Affairs, condition of feeling existing between White and Freedmen, and all other facts [illegible] upon the welfare of the Freedmen, during the month of April 1866, in Greene Va., Bureau of R.F. & A.L.

Maj T F T Crandon }
Supt of 4th Dist Bu of }
R F & A. L }

Stanardsville Greene Co Va
April 30th 1866

I have the honor to make the following report.

Everything in this county appears to be quiet as regards Freedmen.  The passage of the Bill of right created some considerable excitement. & brought out many expressions of dissatisfaction from the white men of them declaring that, if a niggar was to have the same rights as a white man, that in the future they would not hire them.  As far as my observation goes this feeling is general.  The contracts that have been made with Freedmen. are as a general rule fair;  But many of the planters are takeing the advantage of the poverty of the Freedmen and are over charging them for provisions that they know they must have to live.  Men that would scorn to take the advantage of a white man, will not hesitate to cheat a poor Freedman that is depending on his hands for a suport.  The first men of Green Co, as far as my observation goes will overreach a Freedmen, & cheat him.  The Freedmen are as a general thing working well.  Very little Idleness and little or no drunkenness appears to among them.  All appear anxious to learn to read & will soon have the Schoolhouse