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taken down by myself and afterwards carefully compared. The evidence for the Commonwealth is contradictory and almost irreconcilable, the testimony for the defense conclusive, showing evidently that the real murderer has not yet been arrested, and showing too, that His Hon. 
the Mayor confined jail a number of men against whom, no one appeared as accuser.

It is not for the Asst. Supt. to deal with theories, - his province is to state facts, and that the foregoing statement is correct he is fully convinced - That Whitehurst was shot by a negro is evident, that that negro has not yet been arrested is just as certain. Mrs. Whitehurst in her dying confession admitted that she was shot by her son, and also declared that her son fired at a negro before any shot was fired at him. This fact is authenticated by the affidavit of Major Stanhope the Commander of this Post.  Who fired the first shot - the shot which was the direct cause of the riot - it is impossible to tell - though amid the conflicting testimony it must be borne in mind that Whitehurst was the 

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The writers "e"'s look like cursive "r"'s ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 21:10:58 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 18:42:08