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Answers to Interrogations

Ans. to Int. 1st About 900 acres.
2nd About 350 acres
3 Fifteen men regularly. Their wives and daughters work in the field when called on in busy season of planting 10: Six of the men were formerly my slaves.
4. Tobacco, wheat, corn & oats
5 In some instances they do, but as a general rule they do not work as well as when slaves
6 They work better than they did last year and seem better satisfied.
7 I employ them by the month at $8 per mo. & rations. Homes & firewood furnished them & their families free of charge.
8 I much prefer the former, it is simple and easily understood by the freedmen, while difficulties frequently arise in regard to the latter in relation to the mode of cultivation, division of the crops &c.
9 One hundred fifty acres   Corn
10 Forty acres.    Tobacco
Womens work 11 Not regularly. Only in busy season
12 They do but little in doors. I endeavor to get them to spin and weave the clothing for their families but find it difficult in many instances to do so.
13. As a general rule the government is very loose.
14 They work very well. Much better than was anticipated

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 04:59:29