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After hearing the evidence on both sides Mr Tyrell agreed with me as did also the proprietor of the Hotel that the Freedman was justly entitled to the mule, I am of the opinion that both Bath and Alleghany Counties need the presence of an officer who will give ear to the colored people, judging from what I can learn from parties residing in that section of county the colored people in many instances are only nominally free. 

I intend making a trip through Alleghany and Bath counties during this month and I will endeavor to obtain such facts as will enable me to report the true conditions of affairs pertaining to the freedmen in those counties. 

I have forwarded to you during the past months fines to the amt of forty dollars ($40) that being the amt of fines collected by me at this place since I assumed the duties of Asst Supt. 

The fines were levied under the following circumstances and for the following reasons.

1st J.A. Brown (white) entered the house of a col'd woman named Hinton and used violent and threatening language toward Hinton. He was accompanied by two other young men who I was unable to arrest owing to their residing at a distance from this place. I fined Brown five dollars and held him to bail to keep the peace

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 14:36:25 Mr. Tyrell, not Luprell ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 12:05:53