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Bowling Green Caroline Co Va
May 31st 1866

Brevet Major T F P Crandon
A Q M and Supt 4 Dist Va 

In compliance with Circular No 6. Bureau R F and A L.
Hd Qrs Asst Comr Va Richmond Va January 29th 1866., I have the honor to report, That the condition of Bureau affairs as good as could perhaps be expected, under the circumstances. The Citizens feel sore with every thing connected with the Bureau, and in fact with anything that comes between them and the Freedmen, I have always made it a point to be as friendly as possible with the Citizens and am on good terms with them, still they would not go out of their way to help me in any of my duties, and though I have posters for the past six weeks up in prominent
places requesting information of graves of Union Soldiers &c, buried on their lands not one has responded to it, —perhaps they have their own reasons. 

The feeling between the Whites and Freedmen is improving it is perhaps only bitter between the uneducated Whites and Freedmen.
I am Major
Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt
John O Dwyer Capt V R C
Asst Supt Bureau R F and A L
Caroline Co Va

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to underline certain words appearing underlined in the original. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 13:27:00