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I embraced this opportunity of getting them together and addressing them as to their duties and obligations and explaining to them what was expected of them in their new condition as freedmen, there were about one thousand present and their whole conduct in turn during the day was of a most unexceptionable character no cases of disturbance or drunkenness received they were orderly and expressed themselves well pleased with the information and instructions I had given them-
The day passed without any trouble or complaints of any character and I have reasons to believe was of much good to them. I have now (30) thirty dependents upon government for support who are likely to remain as such until provision is made by the County authorities for such support Nearly all of that number are very old and indigent persons. and (3) three are blind-
Very little sickness prevails at present among them and no cases of small pox" exist within the limits of my sub dist -
The demand for labor is greater than my ability to supply - Consequently the farmers in many instances have procured hands from Alex'a & Washington DC.
Agricultural pursuits are being pushed with rigor throughout the County by both black & white engaged therein- the County in this respect is in a very prosperous condition under the operations of Circular No 20 from

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 13:29:47 corrected multiple words