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observation extending over more than one half my district I can cheerfully assert that the condition of the Freedmen is greatly superior to that of the poor whites. No rations have been issued for the past two months. As regards Criminal justice, In many cases injustice is done the Freedmen in the Magisterial courts, owing to the prejudice or ignorance of the Magistrates. In the higher Courts and before the Grand Juries I believe justice is rendered as far at least as possible. The preliminary charges of the Circuit Judge to the Grand Jury has invariably been favorable to the Freedmen as a class advising juries to forget their prejudices and accept the new conditions of affairs and change of statute. Generally speaking throughout the District the "Bureau" seems to satisfy both classes and may be considered a success. I am very happy to state that the Asst Supts have conducted themselves in their new and arduous positions in a manner to win confidence and respect of both Classes of Citizens. 

I am very respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Buelle Carter,
Bvt Maj A Q M Supt &c

Bvt Brig Gen O Brown.