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Bureau R F and A Lands
Office Asst Supt Nottoway Co Va
Nottoway Court House June 30th 1866

Capt Stuart Barnes A Q M 
Supt Bureau R F and A Lands
2nd Dist Virginia


I have the honor to make the following report of Freedmen's Affairs in the County of Nottoway Virginia for the month of June 1866.

1st  The Freedmen are working industriously and complying with their Contracts.

2nd  Their has been no Rations issued to the Freedmen of this County during the past month, nor will Any be required for the next month  I believe the Freedmen of this County are Self supporting.

3rd  Their are verry little Stealing "on the part of the Freedmen" in this County, only one (1) Case of theft have come to my knowledge during the past month
