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whipping &c. this month than during all the time I have had charge of the County. In matters of debt, & cases of cruelty & outrage, which are so flagrant, that the magistrates cannot help taking notice of, the Freedmen will not have much trouble in getting a hearing & I am constrained to say get justice; but the people do not fully comprehend, yet, they have no right, to knock a coloured man down for the most trivial offense

Two of the magistrates have the moral Courage to take hold of a complaint of that nature & handle it as though it were between white men. When ever the case comes into the County Court, I have no fear, but what the Freedmen will get justice. I am trying to raise funds to employ a lawyer, to deffend [[defend]] them by the year, if successful, I anticipate great good to result therefrom.

I cannot report our improved state of feeling towards the Government. The prospects of another civil war I have heard discussed in a public places by men I have heretofore looked upon as liberal. their views & friendly towards the Government.