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both parties held to strict account- When it is found that the contract has been violated without just cause by the Employer he is compelled to pay the laborer in full and make good any losses the laborer may have sustained by reason of the act of the Employer and where it is shown that the Freedmen are to blame, they are compelled to forfeit all wages due or interest in the crop and all persons are prohibited from employing them upon pain of being prosecuted for violation of the State law- This system is manifestly working successfully as it is convincing both classes that contracts cannot be violated with impunity.

I have discovered that as a general thing in those cases where it is charged that the Freedmen are not working faithfully- that the trouble is attributable to something done by the employer in the way of charging exorbitantly for extras- unreasonable rental- or curtailing their allowances &c. - Cases of this character. it is to be seriously regretted. are increasing in number.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 16:15:06