Viewing page 7 of 232

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[[preprinted]] 3 [[/preprinted]]
Stars Nebulae
|Dec 1900|R.A. 1900|Dec 1900|
|+14[[symbol - degree symbol]] 23.9'|12^[[h]] 16^[[m]] 49.0^[[s]]|+14[[symbol - degree symbol]] 11.9'|
|+14 10.6|12 16 49.4|+14 11.8|
|   |12 16 49^[[ [[underlined]] Mean [[/underlined]] ]]|+14 11.8|
|   |12 16 48.2|+14 13.7|
|   |12 16 48.2|+14 13.8|
|   |12 16 48|+14 13.8|
|   |12 16 29.4|+14 18.7|
|   |12 16 29.3|+14 18.8|
|   |12 16 29|+14 18.8|
|   |12 16 38.8|+14 17.3|
|   |12 16 38.7|+14 17.4|
|   |12 16 39|+14 17.4|
|   |12 17 0.5|+14 15.8|
|   |12 17 .5|+14 15.9|
|   |12 17 0|+14 15.8|
|   |12 17 11.2|+14 14.1|
|   |12 [[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]] 17 11.5|+14 14.1
|   |12 17 11|+14 14.1|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-10-01 14:31:15