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[[preprinted]] 8 [[/preprinted]] [[table]] |No.|H.V. Series|Pages| |---|---|---| |702|2827 B,MF|38,42| |404|5966. B.MF.|38.42| |P 337|2793 B|38 & MR book| |225|[[strikethrough]]5499[[/strikethrough]]5944 B,AM|38,48| |(58|5502 B|38)| |344|2241 B,MF|38,42| |59|5503 B,MF|38,42| |.P 345|2251 B,MF|39,42| |.P 153|886 B,MF|39,42| | |2249 B,MF|39,42| |453|2258 B,MF|39,43| |46|888 B,MF|39,43| |. P 346|2294 B,MF|39,43| |347|2312 B,MF|39,43| |601|2354 B, MF|39,43| |(364|2369 B|39 and, a few)| |.P|2249 B,MF,A|39,43,52,53,25| |HV2447 .P 735|2[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]447 B, MF|39,43| |. P 373|2432 B,MF|39,43| |135|930 B^[[poor]],MF|39,43| |692|2424 B^[[poor]],MF|39,43| |. P 304|2463 B,MF|39,43| |638|5753 ,MF|43| |short? 69|940 MF|43| |750|2509 MF|43| |147|5836 MF|43| |. P 868|2395 A|60| |. P 171|2384 A|60| |. P 667|5694 A|60| |.831|2399 A|60| |. P 650|2380 A|60| |. P 167|5771 A|60| |. P? 666|5765 A|60| |? 181|2484 A|60| |701|5784 A|60| |375|2379 A|60| |. P 527 2406|A|60| |. P 287 2410|A|61| |362|5727 A|61| |363|5739 A|61| |. P 811|2361 A|61| |. P 810|2358 A|61| |422|2838 A|61| |425|2831 A|61 |P' 411|2817 A|61| |P' 407|2782 A|61| |P' 471|2703 A|61| |P' 784|2337 A|61| |460|5968 A|70| |189|5987 A|70| |437|2765 A|70| | |1015 A|70| |P 332|2787 A|70| |564|A|71| |825|A|71| |847|A|71| |854|A|71| |P 331|2749 A|71| |568|A|71| |717|A|71| [[/table]] [[annotation]] L.P.?[[/annotation]]
Transcription Notes:
transcribed columns from left to right
Reopened for Editing 2024-03-26 19:31:28
Table instructions here:
Reopened for Editing 2024-03-27 16:55:13
Reopened for Editing 2024-03-28 09:53:09
Reopened for Editing 2024-03-29 08:08:21
You have three columns in headings, BUT 4 columns in the format of table. There are ONLY 3 HEADINGS. The right three columns are a continuation from the bottom of the left side of page. SO 3 COLUMNS ONLY.
Reopened for Editing 2024-04-03 11:04:00
Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 22:39:10