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[[preprinted]] 7 [[/preprinted]]
Variables Examined - Large Magellanic Cloud
|P' 758|2790|A|10|
|.P 334|27[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 73|A|10|
|.P 393| 2795|A|10|
|P' 826|2796|A|11|
|.P 592|2788|A|11|
|.P 242 |2704|A|11|
|.P 851|2698|A |11|
|.P 131|1010|A|11|
|P' 519|2756|A|11|
|.P 520|2752|A|11|
|.P 974|2792|A|11|
|.P 885|2710|A|11, 15|
|P' 239|2619|A|11|
|.P 945|2820|A|11|
|.P 244|2828|A|11|
|P' 949|2859|A|11|
|.P 849|2694|A|15|
|.P 506|2688|A|15, 20|
|850|omitted|   |15|
|507|omitted|   |15|
|.P 505 [[strikethrough]] 2960 [[/strikethrough]] 2690 A 15, 20|
|.P 509|2708|A|15,20|
|.P 508|2715|A|15,20|
|poor 852|omitted|A|15|
|.P 197|2727|A|16,20|
|.P 653|2706|A|16,20|
|P: 672|2714|A|16,20|
|[[strikethrough]] P: [[/strikethrough]] 511|2726|A|16,20|
|.P 971|2717|A|16,21|
|.P 512|2718|A|16,21|
|.P 198|2713|A|16,21|
|.P 444|5954|A|16,21|
|. 53|5964|A,B,MF|21,24,28,32|
|. 9|5961|,A,B,MF|21,28,32|
|. P 644|2722|A,B,MF|21,28,32|
[[annotation]]poor; companion[[/annotation]] 
|. P 113|999|A,B,MF|25,28,31,32|
|.P 71|953|B,MF|31,33|
|P' 377|2491|B,MF|31,[[strikethrough]]33[[/strikethrough]]|
|. P 151|955|B,MF|31,33|
|. P 129|971|,B,MF|31,33|
|. P 664|2580|B,MF|31,33|
|. P 126|1013|B,MF|38,42|
|P 84|1002|B,MF|38,[[strikethrough]]42[[/strikethrough]] |
annotation]]P checked apprx[[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed each column at a time from left to right ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-26 18:32:15 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-27 14:53:35 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-28 09:51:55 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-02 11:49:34 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 22:30:10