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10031      Plate Constants.    14
|   |   |   |   |

|x-[xi]|500x|   |+38y|   |+.4x|-9583| 
|22.5705|+11285|   |+635|   |+9=|22.8051|

|y-[[eta]]|+500y|   |-36x|   |+1.7y|-8327|
|+.0593|+8091=| 8684|-384=|+8300|+27=|8327|
|+.4713|+4340=| 9053|-741=|+8312|+15=|8327|
|-.3848|+13146=| 9298|-1016=|+8282|+44=|8326|
|16.7023|+8351|   |-812|   |+28|+16.6263|

|   |   |   |   |   |
|o-c|-501.2|-501.6|   |-1.0|

Transcription Notes:
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