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Neptune   1915 Apr 14
|x a|x n |y a|y n |
|1st image|   |1st image|   |
| 19763 | 19319 | 16934 | 17700 |
| 16379 | 12678 | 14600 | 10021 |
| 89^[[90]] | 87^[[79]] | 99^[[00]] | 19^[[21]]|
| 50 | 10 | 40 | 94 |
|[[underlined ]] 223373 | 3368 | 16.2335 | 2325[[/underlined]]|
|2nd image |   | 2nd image |   |
| 19081 | 19975 | 18698 | 16577 |
| 12148 | 10599 | 16299 | 8971 |
| 48^[[50]] | 90^[[99]] | 01^[[94]] | 77^[[68]]|
| 82 | 79 | 90 | 72 |
|[[underlined]] 21.6933 | .0618 | 16.2398 | .2399[[/underlined]]|
|3d image|   |3d image|   |
|4th Image|   |4th Image|   |

Transcription Notes:
Imagine each "Calculation Section" as its own little box, now start at the very top left "calculation box" and go on e "calculation box" to the right and one "calculation box" down, that "calculation box" is circled on the manuscript. Now go down two "calculation boxes" from that one and now circle this one. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 22:17:28 incorrectly approved. Needs table formatting.