Viewing page 12 of 115

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Neptune   1915 Apr 14
|x a|x n |y a|y n |
|1st image|   |1st image|   |
| 19763 | 19319 | 16934 | 17700 |
| 16379 | 12678 | 14600 | 10021 |
| 89^[[90]] | 87^[[79]] | 99^[[00]] | 19^[[21]]|
| 50 | 10 | 40 | 94 |
|[[underlined ]] 223373 | 3368 | 16.2335 | 2325[[/underlined]]|
|2nd image |   | 2nd image |   |
| 19081 | 19975 | 18698 | 16577 |
| 12148 | 10599 | 16299 | 8971 |
| 48^[[50]] | 90^[[99]] | 01^[[94]] | 77^[[68]]|
| 82 | 79 | 90 | 72 |
|[[underlined]] 21.6933 | .0618 | 16.2398 | .2399[[/underlined]]|
|3d image|   |3d image|   |
|4th Image|   |4th Image|   |

Transcription Notes:
Note: this page is the same as two pages prior which is clearer. Maybe the first ? is afur? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 07:24:02 Needs to be setup as a table. See completed pages for examples. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-28 17:55:22