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|   |x |   |   |y|   |   |
|   |16.7512|+7174| -8|17.3288|-106|-43|
|   |16.1087|+749|+2|3393|-1| -1|
|   |15.7982|-2356| 0|3423|+29|+9|
|   |1352|   |   | 
[[underlined]]1574[[/underlined]]|   |   |
|   |16.0338|   |   |17.3394|   |   |
|   |28.8346|+7136| -46|23.8431|-31|+32|
|   |28.1958|+746|-1|8468|+6| +6|
|   |27.8879|+2331| +25|8467|+5|-15|
|   |[[underlined]]4840[[/underlined]]|   |   | 
[[underlined]]249[[/underlined]]|   |   |
|   |28.1210|   |   |23.8462|   |   |
|   |31.5442|+7236|+54|9.0617|[[strikethrough]]-43[[/strikethrough]] -31|+32|
|   |30.8951|+745|-2|.0656|[[strikethrough]]-4[[/strikethrough]]+8|+8|
 |(3)|30.5829|-2377|-21|.0657|[[strikethrough]] -[[/strikethrough]]+9|-11|
|   |[[underlined]]30.2602[[/underlined]]|-5604|-30|[[underlined]].0661[[/underlined]]|+13|-30|
|   |[[underlined]]3.2824[[/underlined]]|   |   |[[underlined]] 191[[/underlined]]|   |   |   
|   |30.8206|   |   |9.0648|   |   |   
|   |21.6934|+747|0|16.2398|-15|-15|
|   |21.382|-2359|-3|16.2450|+37|+17|
|   |[[underlined]]21.0615[[/underlined]]|-5572|+2|[[underlined]]16.2474[[/underlined]]|+61|+18|
|   |[[underlined]]6.4747[[/underlined]]|   |   |[[underlined]] 52[[/underlined]]|   |   |
|   |21.6187|   |   |16.2413|   |   |
|   |unam|+7182|   |   |-63|   |
|   |   |+747|   |   |0|   |
|   |   |-2356|   |   |+20|   |
|   |   |-5574|   |   |+43|   |

Transcription Notes:
Reopened from complete again. Please do NOT approve until the page has table formatting per Phaedra special instructions which are here: I think every number is correct on the table No idea what that last word on the bottom left is(Same) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-18 11:43:28 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-18 15:07:29 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 07:22:29 reopened from complete needs table formatting. See completed pages for examples. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-20 07:08:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-20 16:32:24 Reopened from complete again. Please do NOT approve until the page has table formatting per Phaedra special instructions ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-27 09:58:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-28 17:29:31 Still had rows with more than 7 columns - fixed