This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
7539 Red adl. app. [[table]] | | | | | |---|---|---|---| | | |[[delta]]=|+19 55 26| |H + [[alpha]]|6^[[h]] 59.8^[[m]] =104[[symbol - degree symbol]] 57'| | | |H|22 54.1|l cos [[delta]]|9.9732| |[[alpha]]|8 05.7|i|[[underlined]]0.3979[[/underlined]][[eta]]| |G|19 56.4|(i)|0.3711[[eta]]| |G + [[alpha]]|4 0.21 = 60[[symbol - degree symbol]] 32'| | | | | |l sin [[delta]]|9.5325| |l cos (G + [[alpha]])|9.6919|cos(H + [[alpha]])|9.4116| |[[delta]]|0.9297|h|1.3079| |l sin (G + [[alpha]])|9.9398|sin (H + [[alpha]])|9.9850| |tan [[delta]]|9.5593|sec [[delta]]|0.0268| |1/15=|8.8239|1/15|8.8239| |g'|0.6216|h'|0.2520[[eta]]| |g|9.2527|h|0.1436| |f|+ 0.65|g'|+418| |g|+ 0.18|h'|-1.79| |h|[[underlined]]+ 1.39[[/underlined]]|i|[[underlined]]-2.35[[/underlined]]| | |+222| |+0.04| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
Not sure what it says on the title
Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 22:19:11
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-07 23:13:26
Needs table formatting. See completed pages. Greek letters should be [[greek letter spelled out]]
* should be [[symbol - degree symbol]}
----- should be [[underlined]] [[/underlined]]
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-10 17:55:33
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-20 11:20:32
Incorrectly approved.
|[[symbol - gamma]] should be G
other greek letters should be the name in [[ ]], like [[alpha]]
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-21 14:17:48