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14045   Moons Mean Position    8
|   |   |   |   |
|   |[[underlined]]-3[[/underlined]]|   |[[underlined]]+1[[/underlined]]|
|   |23.2677|   |16.4801|

From Plate Constants
|   |   |   |   |
|   |23.6014|   |16.4060|
|   |[[underlined]] 22.[[/underlined]]|   |[[underlined]] 18.[[/underlined]]|
|   |+1.6014|   |-1.5940|
|   |0.20450|   |9.5883|
|Cos S[[delta]]|9.96961|   |0.4090|
|   |8.50724|   |7.0534|
|   |1.72765|   |7.0507|
|   |   |[[eta]]1|+0.0011|
|   |   |[[eta]]0|-1.5951|
|[[alpha]]-A|+53.41|   |0.20279[[eta]]|
|   |   |   |7.33115|
|A=|07 04 00.00|   |2.87164[[eta]]|
|[[alpha]]0|07 04 53.41|   |-744.1|
|Red|+4.78|   |   |
|   |   |[[delta]]-[[delta]]^[[1]]|-12 24.1|
|[[alpha]]|07 04 58.19|   |   |
|   |   |D=|+21 23 42.0|
|   |   |[[delta]]0|+21 11 17.9|
|   |   |Red|-6.3|
|   |   |[[delta]]^[[1]]|+21 11 11.6|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-18 12:06:43 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-19 13:58:32 Do not click complete if the transcription isn't finished. Click save. Or if you don't see the scan, try reloading the page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-20 20:18:56 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-02 02:18:36