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13959    Moon's Center     5
|   |   |   |   |O-C|
|1| 24.0000 +1.1340 -3 |1.2853 |3.8925 |+83|
|2| 24.3745 +1.5085 -2 |2.2753 |3.8882 |+40|
|3| 24.8215 +1.9555 -0 |3.8240 |3.8969 |+127|
|4| 24.8387 +1.9727  0 |3.8915 |3.8915 |+73|
|5| 24.6975 +1.8315 +1 |3.3548 |3.8877 |+35|
|6| 24.0000 +1.1340 +3 |1.2867 |3.8872 |+30|
|7| 23.0000 +0.1340 +3 |0.0180 |3.8981 |+139|
|8| 22.8660 +0.0000 +3 |0.0000 |3.8923 |+ 81|
|   |   |   |R^[[2]] 38842|   | 

|   |   |   |arc.|
|1| 14.6553 -1.6147 |2.6072 |145|
|2| 15.0000 -1.2700 |1.6129 |130|
|3| 16.0000 -0.2700 |0.0729 |98|
|4| 16.2700  0.0000 |0.0000 |90[[symbol - degree symbol]]|
|5| 17.0000 +0.7300 |0.5329 |68|
|6| 17.8826 +1.6126 |2.6005 |35|
|7| 18.2398 +1.9698 |3.8801 |4 |
|8| 18.2429 +1.9729 |3.8923 |0[[symbol - degree symbol]]|
|   |   |   |Range 145[[symbol - degree symbol]]| 

|   |   |   |
|   |   |17.8826|
|   |   |32.5379|
|   |y^[[0]]|16.2690|
|   |y max|18.2429|
|   |R|1.9739|
|   |com R|1.9709|
|   |x max|24.8387|
|   |x^[[0]]|22.8648|

|   |   |   |
|   |x^[[0]]|22.8660|
|Moon Center|   |
|   |y^[[0]]|16.2700|

Transcription Notes:
2nd table needs heading like the first. ° should be [[symbol - degree symbol]] blank columns should be 3 spaces 3rd table needs table formatting finished. This person's lower case Ns and Rs look similar I am also concerned that the Title is either Mooris, Moons, or Moors -*** it is Moon's 05/27/2024 Volunteer: This appears to be 'Moons Center' to me and would make more sense in the context of Nasa than Mooris which is what it kind of looks like. But there is either debris or pencil mark dots both above and below the word Moons. Plus the bottom clearly looks like Moons. Can't tell if the lower part of the page is a zero a · or something else It is definitively math equations but I don't know some of the symbols and I am confused 05/27/2024 Volunteer: Appears to be x0 & y0 (0 as in Zero), which I browsed and found it could be x0 = x-naught, y0 = y naught which is a quadradic equation reference and likly has to do with the moon's ellipsis? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-21 16:57:05 See completed pages for examples of correct table format with bars and table headings. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 13:45:36 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-23 13:49:54 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-23 13:54:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-25 05:50:49 Still needs table formatting. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-27 22:40:50 05/27/2024 Volunteer: There are no table headings, and this does not appear to be a table but I split the data according to the spacing. Please give an example of at least the first line of numbers to show table division preferences. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 07:49:01 2nd table needs heading like the first. ° should be [[symbol - degree symbol]] blank columns should be 3 spaces 3rd table needs table formatting finished. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-29 12:40:31