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13959    Moons Mean Position    7

|   |   |
|x^[[0]] 22.8660|y^[[0]] 16.2700|
|+21|[[underlined]] +11 [[/underlined]]|
|[[underlined]] 22.8681[[/underlined]]|16.2711|
From Plate Constants
|   |   |
|[[underlined]] 22. [[/underlined]]|[[underlined]] 18 [[/underlined]]|

|   |   |   |
|   |+54.30|
|[[Alpha]]=|4 11 50.97|
|[[alpha]] - A|   |+ 33.63|
|[[alpha]]^[[0]]|4 12 45.27|
|   |+5.40|
|[[alpha]]^[[1]]=|4 12 50.67|

[[eta]]^[[1]]  +0.0012
[[eta]]^[[0]]  -1.7385

log  [[eta]]^[[0]] 0.24017n

|   |   |
|   |-13 31.0|
|D = |+23 26 01.0|
|[[delta]]^[[0]]|+23 12 30.0|
|   |+14.0|
|[[delta]]^[[1]]|+23 12 44.0|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-31 16:00:14