This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]] FMC RH 866 Sept 10, 1929 MRD New Series [[table]] |strip|class|star|y|x|Defl|Defl|cl|Dk| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |20.2|f|117|2025| | |p|60|2029| | |p|61|2030| | |p|62|2020| | |f|113|2020| | |p|63|2025| |20.4|f|114|2045| | |f|120|2058| | |f|122|2041 |20.6|f|126|2065 | |f|123|2060 | |f|124|2070 | |p|64|2060 |MRD 20.8|p|65|2072 | |p|66| | |p|67| | |f|125| | |f|126| | |f|127| | |p|68| | |p|69| |[[?]]|f|128| | |p|70| | |p|71| | |f|129| | |f|130| | |f|131| | |f|132| | |f|[[?]]| | |p|72| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
Sent a note to the Smithsonian requesting a clearer image to transcribe. This data is too blurry for anybody to read/decipher. However, as someone mentioned earlier, a more crystal clear photo will make the transcription much more easier.