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[[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]]
| Cl.-Dk | Defl.-Dk | Defl-Dk. | Reduced |Reduced | Magn. | L. No. |
|1302|1044|1048|802|806|7.47, 7.50|   | 
|1360|1249|-|442|-|off curve|    | 
|1357|962|972|711|918|6.54, 6.58|   | 
|1295|1185|1192|917|923|8.66, 8.66|   | 
|1307|662| 663|506|507|5.36, 5.87|   | 
|1305|1154|1140|881|874|8.32, 8.25|   | 
|1310|1169|1190|892|907|8.40, 8.53|   | 
|1281|1126|1167|880|887|8.28,8.43|   |
|1290|1100|1108|853|859|8.05,8.09|   |
|1324|1215|-|991|-|off curve|   |
|1318|675|688|673|524|5.43,5.52|   |
|1313|1035|1028|790|785|7.27,7.54|   |
|1320|850|850|645|6.43,6.43|   |
|1347|1212|1222|898|907|8.45,8.29|   |
|1298|1196|1198|924|926|8.68, 8.69|   |
|1311|1166|1171|892|896|8.40, 8.44|   |
|1302|867|867|665|665|6.87, 6.89|   |
|1300|1176|1193|901|918|8.49, 8.62|   |
|1306|941|986|719|730|6.89, 7.00|   |

Transcription Notes:
Sent a note to the Smithsonian requesting a clearer image to transcribe.