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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]] HJP - RH 1005 - Oct 4, 1929 [[table]] |Strip|Class|Star|y|x|Defl|Defl|Cl|Dk|Volts| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | |f|86|1899|1004|1661|1663|1722|256| | | |f|87|1916|1023|1566|1533|1730|253| | | |p|52|1901|1028|1639|-|1749|258| | | |p|53|1911|1188|1707|-|1809|258| | | |f|88|1911|1267|1701|1710|1802|260| | | |p|54|1903|1301|1381|-|1822|252| | |19.2|f|89|19[[strikethrough]]50[[/strikethrough]]36|182|1217|1138|1699|259| | | |p|55|1932|250|1627|-|1702|261| | | |p|56|1920|294|1486|-|1710|260| | | |p|57|1928|500|1615|-|1733|260| | | |f|90|1927|858|1428|1407|1730|260| | | |f|91|1920|928|1688|1677|1750|260| | | |f|92|1930|1029|1647|1652|1758|259| | | |p|58|1933|1268|1575|-|1818|260| | | |p|59|1930|1270|1735|-|1826|260| | | |p|60|1923|1320|1530|-|1840|261| | | | |1s|2122|849|787|-|1672|260| | | | |1|1800|1012|1121|-|1780|261| | | | |2|-|-|1172|-|1772|260| | | | |3|-|-|1175|-|1729|261| | | | |4|-|-|1383|-|1772|261| | | | |5|-|-|1333|-|1710|261| | | | |6|-|-|1478|-|1731|262| | | | |7|-|-|1523|-|1759|262| | | | |8|-|-|1597|-|1729|260|515| [[/table]] | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | |1s|2122|762|700|-|1752|220| | | | |1|1800|930|1133|-|1801|220| | | | |2|-|-|1172|-|1805|222| | | | |3|-|-|1210|1789|225| | | | |4|-|-|1355|-|1805|229| | [[/table]] [[annotation]] Not clear enough to see stars [[/annotation]] [[annotation]] [[underlined]] Omit [[/underlined]] [[/annotation]]
Transcription Notes:
QUESTION: How is the bold line delineating between rows toward the bottom to be represented? Two separate tables or something else? *** Often it means 2 separate tables (there will be a title and date in the left margin. In this case, it just means that comment only applies to those rows. One table with an annotation is correct.
Reopened for Editing 2024-09-13 08:30:01
Reopened for Editing 2024-09-13 11:04:06