Viewing page 18 of 232

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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]]
HJP - RH 1005 - Oct 4, 1929
|   |f|86|1899|1004|1661|1663|1722|256|   |
|   |f|87|1916|1023|1566|1533|1730|253|   |
|   |p|52|1901|1028|1639|-|1749|258|   |
|   |p|53|1911|1188|1707|-|1809|258|   |
|   |f|88|1911|1267|1701|1710|1802|260|   |
|   |p|54|1903|1301|1381|-|1822|252|   |
|19.2|f|89|19[[strikethrough]]50[[/strikethrough]]36|182|1217|1138|1699|259|   |
|   |p|55|1932|250|1627|-|1702|261|   |
|   |p|56|1920|294|1486|-|1710|260|   |
|   |p|57|1928|500|1615|-|1733|260|   |
|   |f|90|1927|858|1428|1407|1730|260|   |
|   |f|91|1920|928|1688|1677|1750|260|   |
|   |f|92|1930|1029|1647|1652|1758|259|   |
|   |p|58|1933|1268|1575|-|1818|260|   |
|   |p|59|1930|1270|1735|-|1826|260|   |
|   |p|60|1923|1320|1530|-|1840|261|   |
|   |   |1s|2122|849|787|-|1672|260|   |
|   |   |1|1800|1012|1121|-|1780|261|   |
|   |   |2|-|-|1172|-|1772|260|   |
|   |   |3|-|-|1175|-|1729|261|   |
|   |   |4|-|-|1383|-|1772|261|   |
|   |   |5|-|-|1333|-|1710|261|   |
|   |   |6|-|-|1478|-|1731|262|   |
|   |   |7|-|-|1523|-|1759|262|   |
|   |   |8|-|-|1597|-|1729|260|515|

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |1s|2122|762|700|-|1752|220|   |
|   |   |1|1800|930|1133|-|1801|220|   |
|   |   |2|-|-|1172|-|1805|222|   |
|   |   |3|-|-|1210|1789|225|   |
|   |   |4|-|-|1355|-|1805|229|   |
[[annotation]] Not clear enough to see stars [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] [[underlined]] Omit [[/underlined]] [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
QUESTION: How is the bold line delineating between rows toward the bottom to be represented? Two separate tables or something else? *** Often it means 2 separate tables (there will be a title and date in the left margin. In this case, it just means that comment only applies to those rows. One table with an annotation is correct. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-13 08:30:01 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-13 11:04:06