This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[preprinted]] 10 [[/preprinted]] HJP - RH 1889- Aug 22, 1930. [[table]] |Strip|Class|Star|Y|X|Defl|Defl|Cl|Dk|Volts| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | |1s|2040|767|507|-|1173|491|545| | | |1|1793|498|561|-|1162|493| | | | |2|-|-|654|-|1159|497| | | | | |3|-|-|721|-|1158|493| | | | | |4|-|-|692|-|1140|498| | | | | |5|-|-|774|-|1116|498| | | | | |6|-|-|849|-|1120|500| | | | | |7|-|-|920|-|1121|500| | | | | |8|-|-|1050|-|1113|502| | | |20.8|P|44|2098|965|1032|-|1138|501| | | |P|45|2091|1080|1002|-|1135|501| | | |F|59|2089|1131|1060|1049|1139|503| | |21.0|F|60|2098|325|1031|1022|1119|502| | | |F|61|2103|517|1032|1031|1118|503| | | |F|62|2108|1136|923|950|1136|506| | | |F|63|2112|1158|1027|1021|1122|506| | | |P|46|2099|1162|1041|-|1136|507| | |21.2|P|47|2139|518|419|-|1119|508| | |21.4|F|64|2137|137|1048|1046|1110|518| | | |F|65|2140|203|911|913|1114|507| | | |P|48|2153|234|948|-|1096|510| | |21.6|P|49|2161|100|978|-|1103|510| | | |P|50|2167|158|967|-|1107|510| | | |F|66|2159|204|1052|1020|1117|511| | | |P|51|2159|347|1038|-|1118|511| | | |F|67|2162|490|898|900|1125|512| | | |F|68|2170|839|980|993|1132|512| | |21.8|P|52|2198|346|891|-|1106|506| | | |P|53|2191|417|758|-|1127|511| | | |P|54|2184|470|988|-|1116|507| | [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
Full Transcription complete but;
Do the different colors also need to be noted? Though I don't see directions for it in the instructions page.
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-08 23:25:02
Should not have been approved
- blank cells need to be 3 spaces per instructions.
- missing f's and p's in 2nd column
Reopened for Editing 2024-07-09 10:51:00