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Zones 15 & 17 [[table]] | | | | | |---|---|---|---| |[[underlined]] 9 [[/underlined]] 1863.0 [[alpha]]|21^[[h]] 12^[[m]] 33.43^[[s]] (1)|[[delta]]|+0 13 31.6 (1)| |An. p|-3.07| |-14.9| |[[alpha]]|21 12 30.36|[[delta]]|+0 13 16.7| |t15|12 31.10|s15|13 21| |t17|12 30.60|s17|13 22| |[[alpha]]-t15|-0.74|[[delta]]-s15|-4.3| |[[alpha]]-t17|-0.24|[[delta]]-s17|-5.3| | | |d’15|-0.5| | | |d’17|[[underlined]] -0.6 [[/underlined]]| | | | |-3.8| | | | |-4.7| [[/table]] [[overlay]] [[underlined]] August 1853 [[/underlined]] Thermometer. Ma 4.12^[[+]] -95[[symbol - degree symbol]] -3PM 21^[[h]] -5.2 48^[[min]] Barometer highest Lowest 26.9 Am 30.29 8 -65 - 18-9^[[pm]] 29.568 [[underlined]] Rain[[/underlined]] 8.588 Sept. 8th. Mr Walton [[underlined]] Kitchen sides [[/underlined]]& floor Painted [[underlined]] Sitting Room [[/underlined]], Papered & Painted [[underlined]] Parlour Painter [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Entry Painter [[/underlined]] 452 [[underlined]] 19 [[/underlined]] 4068 [[underlined]] 452 [[/underlined]] 8.588 6.5 1.5/-0.7 53/26.5 -7/25.8 1 99/49.5-7/48.8 1/30.5 7/29.8 [[/overlay]]
Transcription Notes:
Note: See 3 pages forward for page without overlay
Note: ,, spacers do not need to be transcribed
Reopened for Editing 2024-09-27 12:49:32
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Reopened for Editing 2024-09-27 16:01:19
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