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Zones 15 & 17

|   |   |   |   |
|[[underlined]]9[[/underlined]] 1863.0 [[alpha]]|21^[[h]] 12^[[m]] 33.43^[[s]] (1)|[[delta]]|+0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 13' 31''.6 (1)|
|An. p|-3.07|   |-14.9|
|[[alpha]]|21 12 30.36|[[delta]]|+0 13 16.7|

1851.  [[image]]
EC - Jan.30 Slow. 13s.40
Feb.3 - Slow. 13.43
7 Slow. 13.20 + 0.06
11 Slow. 12.46 +

June 2[[symbol - degree symbol]] - Slow 14^[[[[delta]]]].68
5 - Slow - [[equation]]
10 Slow - [[equation]]

July - 1 - Slow - 1 40.09
5 - [[equation]]
7 - [[equation]]
9 - Slow. 2.19.0
12 - [[equation]]

July. 21^[[AM]] - Slow - 1 37 90
23 - [[equation]]
25 - [[equation]]

Aug^[[2]]. 2[[symbol - degree symbol]] Slow. 38^[[3]].16
5 - Slow. - [[equation]]
8th PM. Slow 4^[[6]]. 13
11 - [[equation]]
20 - Fast. [[equation]]

Oct. [[equation]]

March: 12th Slow. 6^[[s]].93
14 - [[equation]]

Apl 4. Slow. 2^[[3]].42
7 - Slow. [[equation]]

JG. Apl. 9th - Slow. 2.67
10 - Slow. [[underlined]]2.65[[/underlined]]
12 - 0 [[equation]]

Sept.6 - Slow. 49.82
8 - Slow. [[equation]]
11 - Slow. [[equation]]
15. [[equation]]

Oct. 1st. Slow 46.67
6 - Slow [[equation]]

194 - tash. 13.75 24 Fid. 
[[strikethrough]]Mmag-[[/strikethrough]] [[equation]]
Mar 3 = 4.16
Feb. [[equation]]

[[underlined]]Nov. 1''. + - 16.15[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]Nov.6 - tash. 9.42[[/underlined]]
Dec. 3' - Slow. 13.61
5 - 

202. Dec 5. Slow 18.55
16 - Slow. [[equation]]

EC - 29 - S1 2.00.35
Jan 1 - Sl - [[equation]]

1^[[s]] - 2.11.40
2 [[equation]]

27. 3.48.83
29. [[equation]]

Transcription Notes:
Note: See 2 pages forward for page without overlay ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-27 10:43:02 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-28 18:43:52 not finished - text on overlay needs to be transcribed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-10-02 07:36:49