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Comparison of Stars with Zones 10 & 11 for the beginning of Zones 15 & 17. [[table]] |Zone 11|d|Zone 10|d|[[delta]] 1852| |---|---|---|---|---| |0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5' 08"|[[strikethrough]] 6.6 [[/strikethrough]] -5.0|0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5' 09"|-6.5|0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5' 02.3"| |5 05|[[strikethrough]] 6.6 [[/strikethrough]] -5.0|5..07|-6.5|5..00.3| |10 11|[[strikethrough]] 6.6 [[/strikethrough]] -5.0|10..10|-6.5|10.04.8| [[/table]] Comparison of Stars with Zones 61 & 62 for the end of Zones 15 & 17. [[table]] |Zone 61|d|Zone 62|d|[[delta]][[alpha]] 1853.0|prec.|[[delta]] 1852.| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4' 56"|-1.0|0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4' 57"|-5.0|4[[symbol- degree symbol]]| 04' 53.5"|+15.6|+0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4' 37.9"| |6 59|-1.0|7 00|-5.0|6 56.5|+15.6|+6 40.9| |4 34|-1.0|4 35|-5.0|4 31.5|+15.6|+4 15.9| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-09-26 20:12:28
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