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A search for variables in M55 on x and A plates
| Plate | Var. No | B+ | Ft | Remarks |
|X7929C 15461 | 1 | 7929| 15461 |   |
|   | [[strikethrough]]2 | 15461 | 7929[[/strikethrough]] | Defect |
|   | 3 | 7929 | 15461, 15552 |   |
|   | 4 | 15461 | 7929 | Bailey #1|
|   | 5 | [[strikethrough]] 7929 [[/strikethrough]] 15461, 15552 | [[strikethrough]] 15461 [[/strikethrough]] 7929, A12395 | May be (eclipsing) or varying faint comparison. Difficult.|
|   | 6 | 7929 | 15461 | Bailey #2|
|X7929C 1552 | 7 | 7929, 15461 15538 | 15552, 15481 | very good var. |
|A12729C 12395 | 8 | A12729, 12249, X15527, X15461 | A12395, 12690, X15538, X15481 | Independently discovered on X 15538 & 15527 |
|X15538C 15527 | 9 [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 15527, 15461 [[strikethrough]]15527, A12693  | [[strikethrough 15538, 15481 [[strikethrough]]15538, A12395 | 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-07 05:33:24