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|16.4 16.4|16.3 16.3|15.2 15.2|16.4 16.4|
|15.7 15.8|16.0 15.9|15.3 15.2|16.1 16.2|
|16.1 16.1|15.9 15.9|15.5 15.5|15.9 16.0|
|16.2 16.2|15.5 15.5|14.8 15.0|15.5 15.6|
|16.3 16.3|16.0 16.0|15.3 15.3|16.2 16.3|
|16.3 16.3|16.5 16.5|15.5 15.5[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]4|16.2 16.2|
|[15.6 [15.6|[15.6 [15.6|15.1 15.1|[15.6 [15.6|
|15.5 15.6|15.6 15.6|15.3 15.3|16.8 16.7|
|16.3 16.2|16.6 16.4|15.4 15.4|16.1 16.2|
|15.9 15.8|16.3 16.3|15.3 15.4|16.2 16.2|
|16.2 16.2|16.5 16.6|14.7 14.6|16.5 16.5|
|16.3 16.2|16.7 16.7|15.4 15.3|15.9 15.7|
|15.4 15.5|16.5 16.5|14.5 14.4|16.3 16.3|
|16.4 16.6|16.5 16.6|15.5 15.5|16.6 16.6|
|16.1 16.1|16.6 16.5|15.3 15.3|15.4 15.3|
|16.4 16.3|16.2 16.0|15.2 15.1|16.7 16.7 16.5|
|16.2 16.2|16.8 16.7|15.7 15.6|16.5 16.4|
|15.4 15.2 15.3|16.0 16.0|15.4 15.5|16.4 16.4|
|16.1 15.9|16.7 16.8|15.4 15.4|16.8 16.7|
|15.9 15.9|16.2 16.3|15.5 15.5|16.3 16.2|
|16.1 16.0|16.0 16.0|14.4 14.4|16.3 16.3|
|16.1 16.1|16.4 16.3|15.1 15.1|16.1 16.2|
|16.0 16.0 15.[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]9|16.2 16.2|15.5 15.3|16.1 15.9|
|16.2 16.2|16.1 16.1|15.4 15.4|16.3 16.3|
|15.4 15.4|16.2 16.2:|15.5 15.4|16.1: 16.0|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-06 21:36:47 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 00:50:45 reopened from complete. Please do not approve if you have not read the Phaedra special instructions. - remove blank rows from table - remove extra spaces: | 16.5 | should be |16.5| as bars do not need to line up between row. - add 4 column |---| row below 2826 row - add [[/table]] below table = strikethroughs need to be shown properly Amended ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-20 16:34:44