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|   |   |2645|2677|1003|1005|2745|2788|2796|
|   |   |15.7 15.7|16.2 16.3|14.4 14.5|14.8 14.7|16.3 16.3|15.7 15.9|16.1 16.0|
|A17225|24 27746.482|15.8|16.4|14.5|14.7|16.4|16.1|15.8|
|16.2 16.3|16.5 16.4|14.4 14.4|14.7 14.8|15.7 15.7|16.2 16.2|16.8 16.7|
|   |   |15.7 15.8|16.2 16.3|14.3 14.4|15.1 15.2|16.4 16.4|15.2 15.3|16.1 16.0|
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|   |   ||16.1 16.1|16.0 16.0|13.8 13.8|15.0 15.2|15.9 15.9|15.6 15.7|16.1 16.0|
|   |   |16.2 16.3|16.1 16.2|13.8 13.7|15.1 15.2|16.2 16.3|[[Strikethrough]]15.1[[/strikethrough]]16.0 15.8|16.3 16.3|
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|   |   |16.3 16.2|15.9 15.9|14.4 14.4|14.3 14.3|16.2 16.[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]3|16.2 16.1|16.5 16.5|
|   |   |16.2 16.2|16.2 16.3|14.1 14.3|14.3 14.4|15.7 15.8|16.1 16.0|16.3 16.2|
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|   |   |16.0 16.1|15.7 15.9|14.1 14.3|14.4 14.4|16.2 16.2|16.1 16.2|16.9 16.8|
|   |   |16.0 16.1|15.7 15.8|14.1 14.2|14.2 14.3|16.3 16.3|16.2 16.3|16.7 16.7|
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|   |   |15.9 16.0|15.7 15.8|14.6 14.5|14.4 14.4|16.5 16.3|16.3 16.3|16.5 16.6|
|   |   |16.0 16.0|16.1 16.2|14.4 14.4|14.5 14.5|16.2 16.3|16.1 16.2|16.8 16.7|
|   |   |16.0 16.1|15.7 15.9|14.2 14.3|14.4 14.4|16.5 16.4|16.2 16.2|16.6 16.7|
|   |   |15.6 15.7|15.9 15.9|14.3 14.4|14.4 14.4|16.4 16.4|15.2 15.1|16.2 16.0|
|   |   |15.7 15.9|16.0 16.0|14.4 14.4|14.4 14.4|16.0 16.1|15.1 15.1|16.1 15.9|
|   |   |16.2 16.2|16.1 16.1|14.3 14.3|14.7 14.7|16.0 16.1|15.6 15.6|16.5 16.5|
|   |   |16.1 16.2|16.1 16.1|13.7 14.0|14.7 14.6|16.1 16.2|15.6 15.7|16.6 16.7|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-13 09:24:54 every other row missing 2 blank columns at the start of the row and a bar at the end of the row rows like 17228 27747.424 need a bar at the start and end of the row and after the first number: |17228| 27747.424 Needs proofreading