Viewing page 5 of 242

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|   |   |   |
|14|14 48 50| -46 50.0|
|20|15 1 53.9| -47 36.6|
|25|15 8 31| -50 15.2  w Lup|
|36|14 50 43| -20 55.1|
|46|   |   |
|51|   |   |
|82|15 16 22.7|-49 5.6|
|83|14 53 4|-49 53.2|
|84|15 5 8.4|-48 463|
|85|15 18 14|-48 226|
|92|15 1 24|-47 50.4|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-16 16:52:06 needs table format