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[[/preprinted]] 34 [[/preprinted]]
|Plate|Var No.|Bright|Faint|   |
|Contact of ^[[MF 14735 & MF 14131 (7)]]|235^[[m]]|14131, 14616|14735, 14172| [image]] var  Short, good.|
|   |236^[[m]]|14735 14616|14131, 14172|[[image]] var. [[strikethrough]]Long[[/strikethrough]] (?)  good|
|   |[[strikethrough]]237^[[m]]|14735, 14172|14131, 14616 (?)[[/strikethrough]]|[[image]] var  bright short range very doubtful - red star & defect|
|   |[[strikethrough]]238|14131, 14172, 14616 (?)|14735|[[image]]var small range somewhat doubtful[[/strikethrough]]|
|   |239|14735, 10416|14131, 14616. 14172|[[image]] var.  good|
|   |240^[[m]]|14131, 14172|14735, 14616|[[image]] var  good, long. (?)|
|   |241|14131|14172, 14735, 14616|[[image]] var  short range.|
|Contact of ^[[MF 14735 & MF 11475 (2)]]|242^[[m]]|14735, 14616|11475, 11462|[[image]] var  good, long|
|   |243|14735, 14616|11475, 11695|[[image]]  doubtful, small range|
|Contact of ^[[MF 14735 & MF 14406 (0)]]|   |   |   |
|Contact of ^[[MF 14735 & MF 14561]] (1)|[[strikethrough]]244^[[m]]|14735|14561, 14523|[[image]]  Very doubtful image brighter on the 1 plate but not larger[[/strikethrough]]|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-30 07:46:10