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Bureau RF and AL
Office Asst Supt York Co. Va
Yorktown. Va. July 31st 1866


Pursuant to Cir No 6. dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr State of Va. Jany 29th 1866 I have the honor, to submit the following report in regard to workings of the Bureau in this County during the past month.

Feelings between Whites and Blacks.
I am under the impression that I am able to report a slight relaxation of the bitter animosity which exists between the blacks and whites which may be traced to the experience the latter had with the former during the short time that cases in which the "Freedmem" was an interested party were allowed to be tried before the "Civil Authorities" they, there found that their influence and power over the "Freedmen" had changed greatly during the war, and that they were unable, to exercise any control over them without the assistance of the U.S. Authorities, in this connection I would add that my experience has shown clearly that the "Freedmen" has no.
Respect for the Civil Authorities.

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