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B.R.F & A. Lds.
Office of Ast. Supt. Sub Dist Nelson Co
Lovingston July 31st 1886

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown:
Ast. Adjt Genl. Deptmt of Va.


Pursuant to instructions on Circular No. 6, I have the honor to submit the following report viz:

The Freedmen, generally are working well, notwithstanding the chronic disposition to complain on the part of Citizens, that "niggers won't work". The manner, which the Crop is worked, & the [[?]] thereof is proof of the statement. The Freedmen who have crops to themselves, have fine prospects.

A few instances have come to my knowledge, where the Freedmen, have been interested in the Crop, & turned off without anything, & where they have been so bound up, & tied that he could not get redress before the magistrate -  

The feeling, is good, generally -

Transcription Notes:
I left the the [[?]] the previous transcriber made, but I am wondering if instead of "& the" it is the word "other." but the letters that follow either version don't make sense. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 11:02:46 Corrected "Act" to "Ast" and "Atlanta" to "Nelson Co"