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Office Asst Supt BRF. and AL
Halifax Co Ho Halifax Co Va.
July 31st 1866

Maj Genl A.H. Terry
Asst Comr Sate of Va

In compliance with Circular No 6, C.S. Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr. State of Virginia, I have the honor to report the condition of Bureau Affairs in this county, as not quite as favourable as they have been for the last few months. There is displayed on the part of a certain class of citizens, a desire. Now that the crops are in a condition to require less labor. to break their contracts with the Freedmen and defraud them in part, or in the whole of the products of their labour, particularly those who are working for a share in the crop, and pursue such a course, on many instances towards the Freedmen, as to irritate them and cause them so to conduct themselves as to furnish an excuse for discharging them. This course is however confined to a class of people who are not Real Estate owners, and are irresponsible, but who have managed to lease some land and engage Freedmen to work with them on shares, Sometimes agreeing to furnish the Freedmen with food, others the Freedmen to furnish themselves, frequently neither party has any provisions, or credit, and as a consequence there is at this time a large increase of cases of larceny, of meat & corn the white man

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 16:14:51 corrected minor typos