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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Prince George Co Va
July 31st 1866

Maj T. Frank P. Crandon
Supt 2nd Dist


I have the honor to report that the Freedmen of this County are industrious and orderly There has been complaints made of Highwaymen, who have committed several robberies in this County and were supposed to harbor at City Point or immediate vicinity. 

Upon examination they were even found to have been living at Petersburg and they are now residing there.

The absence of any organized Civil Force in the County and the exagerated reports of the citizens has made it very difficult to get positive information respecting the movements of the scamps.

The feeling of the White citizens generally of this County, towards the Freedmen, is good, and a strong desire exhibited to do justice by them.

Some cases of assaults upon Freedmen have been reported to me, said parties I shall have promptly punished by the Civil Courts.