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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Assistant Superintendent
Jerusalem Southampton Co. Va. July 31st 1866

Capt Wm P. Austin
A.Q.M. and Supt 1st Dist Va
Norfolk Va

Captain. In compliance Circular No. 6 dated Head Quarters Asst Commissioner State of Va Richmond Va Jan 29th 1866. I have the honor to report the condition of Bureau affairs in my county as being very favorable the state of feeling existing between the White and Freedmen is all that could be expected. There is very few if any Freedmen in the county unemployed nearly all have made contracts for this year either for stated wages or for a share in the crops, and so far as I am able to ascertain both employer and employee are even satisfyed. Those that have shares in the crops are much the best of, As those that are working for wages expend it all as fast as due.