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Office of Asst Supt B of R F & A L
Sub-District of Spottsylvana Co Va
Fredricksburg Va Aug 31' 1866

Brevet Brig' Genl O Brown
A.A.A.G. B of R F & A L
Richmond Va


In obedience to Circular NO 6 Head Quarters Asst Commissioner State of Va dated Richmond Va January 29th 1866,

I have the honor to report that the affairs of the Bureau in this Sub-District are in a fair condition.

A better state of feeling appears to be existing between the whites and blacks than at the time of my last report. it is to be hoped that this state of feeling may continue and that the crops may be gathered and divided without any serious difficulty occurring - 

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Most obedt Servt    

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-04 23:29:53