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was muster day, and a large crowd was in town, and the act was discussed and generally disapproved, and in many cases denounced. Before noon I was informed that there were any number of late rebels who would assist to repair damages. I went out and was abundantly aided by officers and men to mend the pole and rope and put up the flag. They have not been disturbed since. I think a good part of community are affected by the burning of Mr. Towle's school-house in the same manner that they were by the molesting of my flag pole, and that another school-house would not be disturbed.
"The recent order from the War Dpt. causing the issue of rations to cease on the 1" of Oct. will cause suffering, if not death from starvation, to the few old helpless freedmen I have been feeding. There is no provision for them and likely to be none by the Co. before next January. If private charity does not sustain them they will certainly die."
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
Marcus S. Hopkins
Brevet Maj. A. Supt. Prince Wm. Co Va.