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County Poor House.

I received a communication from them to the effect that no provision as yet could be had for the support of such persons, but announce their intention of doing so as soon as provisions can be made." 

I have received almost daily complaints from the farmers, in reference to the indisposition on the part of the Freedmen to work" When such complaints are made I invariably enquire of them how much corn they have got in- - they then generally wish to make other enquires - & drop that subject - I frequently hear the Farmers say there is more corn this season than has been known before for many years -

Although the crop is not so promising now as, the [[strikethrough]] chinth & [[/strikethrough]] cold weather has injured the groth of corn quite materially.

"Very little vagrancy exists among the Freedmen. they are all as general thing industriusly employed"-

I have experienced the most trouble from cases of a domestic character among the Freedmen in reference to their children who are scattered away from them in various parts of the state this alone is a source of great discontent among them.
