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it is impossible for a Freedman to Support himself and family by working five (5) days in a week (only) and keeping a wife and daughters in idleness.
for every day lost by A Freedman his employer deducts from Fifty (50) cents to one dollar ($1.00) which will (at the end of the year) bring many of the Freedmen in debt. 

Unless something is done by the Bureau in this county to induce they Freedmen to make the Female members of their families work in the Crops, (next year) there will be destitution amongst them, I have pointed out to many of the Freedmen the impropriety of Keeping every Saturday as a holy-day and (I think) have induced a majority of them to quit it.
Nearly all the Freedmen (of this county) who are working for a Share in the Crop. have an idea that as soon as the present Crop is gathered, their Contract for the present year expires. They refuse to do any kind of work outside the Crop Such as repairing fences or prepairing for the planting of wheat, notwithstanding they (the Freedmen) have received the benefits of the preparations made last year by 


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 10:26:08