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I must state that I have heard that the Revd Mr Murder who preached for them, otherwise a man much respected and beloved, is censured for his Christian benevolence in this matter by some of the white citizens of the county.

No Freedmens schools have yet been established in the county, nor do I think it advisable to recommend their establishment until I have examined into the state of public feeling on the subject and selected the most suitable places for their location.

The desire on the part of the Freedmen to indiscriminately settle on poor lands and farm for themselves, against which I have so often protested in my previous Reports of the counties, prevails in Sussex to perhaps even a greater extent than in Surry or Dinwiddie, and I must again protest against it as equally calculated to ruin both the Freedpeople and the country.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
J.W. Sharp
Capt & Asst. Supt. F.B.
Surry & Essex Cos. Va.

Thro Bvt. Maj. Crandon
Supt. 2nd Dist Va.

Transcription Notes:
This writer pulls his periods and commas (remember, they're writing with old timey pens :D) so that they look like dashes. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 12:13:56