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cost of living here is fearful too.  I have been examining in reqard to rents, for the little huts left by the army, from four to ten dollars pr month rent is charged.  I thing I  did not find a hut that rented for less than four dollars pr month.  SOmetimes there will be ten of these huts on a quarter acre of ground, nine out of them  of them would not, under the manner, sell for the price of a months rent. There are also ten places here, where intoxicating liquors are sold. This is greatly to be lamented. The school here is doing well, and the scholars show a commendable degree of zeal and advancement.  Crops are looking badly and I anticipate a hard winter for poor whites and blacks.
I am SIr, very respectfully
Your abt servt.
J.A. Yeckley
Lt and Asst Supt
Prince George Co.

Thro Bvt Major Crandon
Supt 2d Dist