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tried, and found guilty and sentenced to one (1) month imprisionment in the County Jail.  So far as I am able to learn the "Authorities are disposed to deal leniently with the Freedmen.

The Freedmen have, or are, making provisions for the coming Winter and will live [[strikeout]] comfortably [[/strikeout]] without any assistance from the Genl Government.

I have made a personal inspection in this District for Schools and have appointed and recommended that five (5) be opened.

I cannot get any assistance from the "Local Sherrif" I am told repeatedly that it is too soon or the unsettled state of the Country will prevent them from taking any steps towards supporting Freedmen Schools.

I am
Very Respectfully
Your  Obdt Servant
E.H. Ripley
Capt V.R.C. and Asst Supt

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 14:16:47