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Wise Farm Princess Anne Co Va.
September 30th 1866

Capt Wm P Austin
Supt R.F. & A.L.
First Dist of Va

I have the honor to report the condition of affairs in this Co as follows. 

There has been a considerable sickness in the Co during the past month principally chills & Fever and Billious Fever, very little sickness of a serious character, two deaths have been reported one child, one adult. 

The health of the Co had commenced to improve up to the late storms, but since the same there had been a considerable application for medicines.

The people have been informed of the discontinuance of the issue of Rations, and understand that in future they will be required to look out for themselves.
The county authorities of Princiss Anne and Norfolk have signified their intention to me of assuming charge of all indigent freed persons who were originally residents of their respective counties

Out of probably 20 persons who belong to Princiss Anne Co and the same number to Norfolk Co. 