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Report on the condition of Bureau Affairs made by Lieut. J. B. Clinton Asst. Supt. Dinwiddie Co. Va. for the month ending September 30th 1866.

As I stated on my report last mont [[month]] that there was much in this county to encourage the organization and workings of the Bureau of R.F & A.L. so have I the honor to report that up to the present time that encouragement still continues. The prejudice that was in the minds of the whites is becoming less on account of the prevalent opinion that they must have, and hire labor, and that the Freedmen and women are the only laborers they can have; therefore they favor the system that renders so much assistance in securing that labor, and by good advice, fair and just dealing are doing much to encourage the Freedmen and gain their confidence. The Freedmen are becoming more alive to the fact that there is something for them to do, and as a general thing are conducting themselves in a creditable manner. But there are still idlers and those whose minds are not disabused of erronious ideas they are harboring much to their disadvantage, making plenty of earnest labor yet for the Bureau.
Very Respectfully &c.
J. B. Clinton
Lieut. Asst. Supp. Dinwiddie Co Va.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 10:35:09 pls read istructions, too many [[?]]s to have been marked for review, instructions say no more than 2 [[?]]s, also not {{?}} but [[?]], corrected words, ec. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 10:57:41 corrected a few minor typos