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appeared again, nor has any thing been heard from her.  Of course, I shall follow this up; but like cases, elsewhere, have terminated in a similar manner.

It will be seen from my Report in compliance with Circular No 10, that I have not been notified of any cases to which a colored person has been a party, coming up for trial or hearing, since I have been here.  Finding, shortly after my arrival, that there was an apparent want of knowledge in the County; in relation to such matters, I, on the 1st Inst., made application to be furnished with ten or twelve copies of Circulars 10, 11 & 23, C.S. B.R.F. &. A.L., Hd. Qts. Asst. Com. State of Va., and also of Circular No. 7, C.S. Bureau Hd. Qts.  In answer, I received two copies of Nos. 10 & 23, respectively, six of 11, and five of No 7, which I at once distributed, with appropriate endorsements, among the various Justices of the Peace, in the several Magisterial Districts.

Freedmen, on applying to the Magistrates, in cases of difficulty even between themselves, are frequently told that no action can be taken without my consent being obtained.

On one occasion two women complained to me, one that her daughter had got a child by a man who would not support it, and the other that she was herself about to have a child, for a man who would not either own or support it.  I told them they would have to go before the nearest Magistrate, and have the men brought up, &c.  A day or two after, a Constable, aided by another white man, brought before me the two freed men and women referred to, accompanied by sundry witnesses, on two warrants issued by "Mr Hopkins" Esqr, the Magistrate named in connection with the case of Wright vs